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Jul 29, 2021

Todays buyers have researched, read reviews and educated themselves on products or services they are going to engage with long before they talk to you, the salesperson. 

This could leave you thinking, "Where can I add value if they already have the information they need to make a buying decision?"


  • Be...

Jul 19, 2021

To effectively sell in a virtual environment it is essential that we embrace technology to support our buyers journey. Take advantage of the benefits of remote selling and think outside the box to create more opportunities to build trust and relationships with potential customers. 


  • Email
  • Blending online with...

Jul 14, 2021

Selling in the virtual environment is much different than face-to-face. We need to be cognizant of the differences to be able to sell effectively. We need to embrace the technology beyond a fancy slide deck to create a presentation or sales conversation that converts.  

  • Be prepared
  • Pause and create engagement 
  • Tone of...

Jul 7, 2021

Today's buyers are very informed, often they have already read about and researched the product they are interested before they connect with a salesperson. As a salesperson, you need to focus on adding value by presenting them with educating information that they do not already have. 

  • The 8 second rule
  • How to add...